Kölner Dom / FührungenKölner Dom / Führungen

General Information / FAQ

Who do I contact if I have any questions?
For questions and further information, please contact fuehrung@domforum.de or +49/0221-92584730 (telephone hours: Mo. - Thu. : 10h-12h und 13h-15h, Fr. : 10h-12h).

Which tours can be booked in English?
Public guided tours in English are only available inside the Cathedral, not in any other area. You can find them at this subpage.
Most group tours are also available in English, please see the respective subpages for more details.

How and when can I book tickets for the public guided tour?
Tickets for our public tours are available via this subpage in the online shop or at the DOMFORUM, just across the square from the main entrance to the Cathedral.

Who are the discounted tickets for?
The discount applies to university students, trainees, pupils and people with a disability ID.
Children under primary school age do not need a ticket, but are not considered participants and do not receive a group tour system. If this is desired, a reduced ticket must be purchased.

How far in advance can I book tours for a group?
The booking period for group tours always includes the remainder of the current month and the next three full months. Group tours can be booked no later than 14 days before the date.

Can I also buy a voucher for the tours?
Unfortunately, we currently do not offer vouchers.

Are there audio guides in Cologne Cathedral?
There are no audio guides in Cologne Cathedral.

What are group tour systems and who has to use them?
For tours inside the cathedral, group tour systems (GTS) are used, which, on the one hand, ensure that the guides are easier to understand and, on the other hand, help to calm the room.
These systems will be provided by the DOMFORUM and consist of receivers and headphones for the participants, as well as transmitters and microphones for the guides. The use of group tour systems (GTS) is mandatory from the 5th school year upwards.

Is there a minimum age for the tours?
Only in the areas of roof and excavation is a minimum age of 16 years required for tours. Exceptions are not possible under any circumstances, even if accompanied by a legal guardian.

Is there an elevator to get to the roof?
The use of the construction elevator for tours over the roof cannot be guaranteed! Accordingly, around 250 steps may have to be overcome.

How can I pay for the tours?
Depending on the type of tour, there are different payment methods; please see the respective subpages for more details.

Can I exchange or cancel a booked tour?
Tickets for public tours cannot be canceled or exchanged. Group tours can be canceled free of charge up to 14 days before the date. For further information, please see our terms and conditions.

Where is the meeting point for the tour?
The meeting point varies depending on the type of tour. Please find the respective meeting point on your ticket or booking confirmation.

What do I do if I'm late for the tour?
For public tours and group tours, we ask you to arrive at the meeting point ten minutes before the tour begins.
Public tours start on time; if you are late, participation in the tour cannot be guaranteed.
If a group arrives late for the booked date, the guides waiting time is a maximum of 15 minutes. The waiting time can be deducted from the duration of the tour.

What rules do I have to follow during the tours?
The house rules of the Cologne Cathedral apply.

Can I take luggage into the cathedral?
Only smaller bags and backpacks (maximum A4 format) may be taken into the cathedral, the treasury and the tower climb. Rolling suitcases, cabin trolleys, hiking backpacks and other large pieces of luggage are not permitted in the cathedral and its special areas. There is a luggage storage facility behind Cologne Cathedral Shop on Roncalliplatz.

Are the tours barrier-free?
The tours in the interior and in the treasury are barrier-free. The tours in the special areas of roof and excavations are not barrier-free; you must expect stairs for the roof tours.

What other restrictions are there for the tours?
The Cathedral is a place of worship. Accordingly, church services and other events in the cathedral have priority. For this reason, there may be short-term spatial restrictions or changes to the tour process.

Can I take photos during the tours?
Photography is only permitted for private purposes. Tripods may not be used. Video and audio recordings are prohibited, they require prior approval from the Cathedral Chapter. Please send inquiries to: pr@dombau-koeln.de.
Any non-private and any commercial use of images of the Cathedral interior as well as all other areas of the Cologne Cathedral (treasury, excavations, baptistery roof) requires prior written permission due to property and house law as well as copyrights to works by contemporary artists, even if you are the author of the recording. Please send your image requests to: foto@dombau-koeln.de